Comment Letters

Comment letters written by the Coalition and the organizational members about FHLB reform.

July 15, 2024

CFR Submits Response to FHFA RFI on FHLB Mission

The Coalition for FHLBank Reform, with the support of 50 additional local and national advocacy groups, submitted a letter in response to the the Federal Housing Finance Agency’s Request for Information on the FHLBank mission and the metrics for mission achievement.

July 15, 2024

Comments on the Federal Home Loan Bank mission

Kathryn Judge (CFR Advisory Board Member) and Aaron Klein published a comment letter with The Brookings Institute in response to the FHFA's RFI on mission.

July 15, 2024

NCRC Comment on FHLB Mission

National Community Reinvestment Coalition (CFR organizational member) submitted a letter in response to the FHFA's RFI on FHLB mission.

July 15, 2024

CFA, UFCW, and Others Submit Letter to FHFA Regarding Insurance Companies and FHLBanks

Organizational members of the Coalition and other housing advocacy groups submitted a letter to the FHFA in response to the RFI on mission. This letter focuses on the membership of insurance companies in the FHLB System and proposes an membership-incentive model to encourage more mission related activity from the insurance members.

July 15, 2024

UFCW Comment on FHLB Mission

United Food and Commercial Workers International Union (CFR organizational member) submitted a letter in response to the FHFA's RFI on FHLB mission. This letter focuses on how insurance companies are profiting from their membership in the FHLB System while workers struggle with the effects of the affordable housing crisis.