What's New in the Coalition?

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Coalition Publishes Review of FHLB Spending on Affordable Housing and Community Development in 2023

In 2021, the FHLBs committed to contributing an additional 5% of net income to affordable housing and community development. CFR delved into their public financial documents in an effort to track this spending. Due to many Banks' failure to disclose their spending in 2023, it is impossible to match the commitments made to the actual awarding of funds.

FHLB Dividends: Low-Hanging Fruit for Reconfiguring FHLB Lending

Read a new piece from the Yale School of Management about the need to revisit the Federal Home Loan Bank dividend practices and the lack of transparency and difficulty of ascertaining key aspects of the banks' activities.

"The Federal Home Loan banks should embrace their housing mission"

Barry Zigas' new piece in American Banker analyzes how the FHLB system has the potential to serve the nation's housing needs if they embrace the proposed FHFA reforms. He leaves readers with this call to action: "The times require a hard look at how these GSEs move forward as an important mechanism of national housing policy. Their current intransigence toward their regulator's recommendations does not serve their long-term viability, nor the urgent needs of America's homebuyers and renters."

The Time for Federal Home Loan Bank Reform has Come

Read founding member Peter Knight's thoughtful analysis on the once in a generation opportunity to refocus the banks' efforts supporting affordable housing and community development.

man in purple suit jacket using laptop computer
man in purple suit jacket using laptop computer

New blog post:

Reforming the Federal Home Loan Bank System Can Help Address Our Affordable Housing Crisis: A Reaction to the New FHFA Report

Sharon Cornelissen explores how FHLB Reform can lead to a brighter future for many Americans.

man in black shirt sitting on chair near white wooden house during daytime
man in black shirt sitting on chair near white wooden house during daytime


The Unraveling of the Federal Home Loan Banks

Kathryn Judge explains why the FHLB system needs reform.

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ball of yarn